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Oprazi School Desktop

If you want an independent workspace, Oprazi School Desktop program is for you.

Your Offline Workspace

Oprazi Desktop application is a software solution that helps managers and staff manage their work more easily and efficiently. With its advanced features and ease of use, it allows users to quickly retrieve and process the data they need.

The Oprazi Desktop application increases the efficiency of schools by enabling them to better manage their study, accounting, homework, absenteeism, exam, accounting, syllabus and reporting processes. The application allows users to perform data entry, data analysis, data processing and reporting more quickly and easily. Thanks to sms integration, it allows you to inform students and parents.
Features of the Oprazi Desktop application include an interface that allows users to quickly enter and analyze data, security measures that ensure that data is stored securely, and integration features that allow users to share data between different units.

A different experience ✍️

The features of the Oprazi Desktop application include an interface that allows users to enter and analyze data quickly, security measures that ensure data is stored securely, and integration features that allow users to share data between different units.